Zazzle gets hungry for Bacon Salt

In our quest to make everything taste like bacon, we’d like to make everyone look like bacon too. Which is why we created t-shirts and hats for you to wear around town – in it, there are a bunch of new ones created by Justin. You’ll notice a bacon-flavored merchandise link on the side menu of this blog.

Today, the site we used to create these t-shirts and merchandise – – had a funny blog post about Bacon Salt. In it, the author discusses the eventual worldwide takeover of bacon-flavored seasoning because of Bacon Salt.

Incidentally, all of our proceeds from the sale of any Bacon Salt merchandise will go to Mercy Corps, one of our favorite charitable organizations that is focused on alleviating poverty and suffering worldwide. What’s great about Mercy Corps is that you can donate to specific causes vs. donating your money into the ether. In other words, you can give to the people who need it most while showing people how much you love bacon – what could be better than that?